Grants to Norway

The US Fulbright program offers a variety of long- and short-term opportunities for US citizens to study, conduct research and teach in Norway.

The traditional Fulbright program offers grants to US scholars who wish to do research and/or teach in Norwegian institutions of higher education and other well-regarded research institutions.  We offer a special grant for scholars in Arctic Sciences, the Arctic Chair. Additional special scholar opportunities are available for research in International Courts and Tribunals at the PluriCourts Center, and for teaching and research in Digital Culture and American Literature & Culture at the University of Bergen.

Each year, The U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation offers two to three awards for Roving scholars to visit lower secondary schools (student ages 14-16) or upper secondary schools (ages 16-18). The Roving Scholar Program is a unique Fulbright opportunity in Norway that does not exist in other countries.

US graduate students wishing to enhance or enrich their research or study opportunities may also apply for grants to Norwegian universities. US Graduate students interested in teaching can apply for the English Teaching Assistant program.

US Students

Fulbright stipends are available for students to carry out Master or Ph.D. degree level studies or research in Norway. Students who have already begun their studies at a Norwegian university in Norway are not eligible. See below for more info.

US Scholars

The US Fulbright scholar program offers a wide range of long- and short-term opportunities for US citizens with a PhD, other terminal degree, or substantial professional experience to conduct research and/or teach in Norway.