
The impact of the Fulbright program operates on many levels; at the personal level, nearly every Fulbrighter can look back on a year of personal and scholarly enrichment, and the investment of that year abroad will continue to yield professional and personal dividends for many years to come.

At the institutional level, a Fulbrighter will contribute to the quality and international reach of both the home and host institution,  and help build lasting relationships between Norwegian and U.S. research and education communities.

Finally, at the level of the national interest, the Fulbright program – with a reputation for excellence that is recognized at great universities and research institutions all over the world – can play a significant role in national strategies that seek to raise the quality of education and research, as well as increase cross-cultural understanding, through international collaboration and partnerships.

The Norwegian Fulbright program is publicly funded by the Norwegian and U.S. governments.  Although impact is hard to measure,  we are always eager show  return on investment to our funders;  if you are an alumnus of the program, and your stay in the U.S. or Norway resulted in continuing academic collaboration, joint publications, or institutional partnerships, please let the Fulbright office know and help us demonstrate impact!

In 2018, Ohio State University produced a report on the measurable impact of the Fulbright Scholar program. The study sought to

  1. Assess the impact and outcomes of the Fulbright Scholar Program on recipients’
    teaching, research and service
  2.  Document the impact of the Fulbright Scholar Program on building international
    partnerships and professional development of program alumni
  3.  Examine campus climate toward the Fulbright Scholar Program
  4.  Identify future directions for supporting and increasing the impact of the program.

The entire report is available here
