Roving Scholar Program FAQ

Who schedules school visits for Roving Scholars?
Rover Scholars are responsible for scheduling visits themselves. Previous contacts are provided by the Fulbright Office and the Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education advertises the Roving program to schools and teachers. Cultivating new contacts is a very welcome addition to the program.

Who arranges travel for the Roving Scholars?
Roving Scholars use a travel agency designated by the Fulbright office to arrange hotels and flights. The travel agency also offers advice on train and bus travel, which may occasionally have to be booked directly by the Rover.

Who pays for travel in connection with the Roving Scholars program?
Travel expenses connected to roving are separate from your stipend. The direct and associated expenses related to traveling as a Roving Scholar (excluding personal travel) are paid for separately by the Roving Scholars program.

How much travel are Roving Scholars expected to do in a school year?
Travel varies across the year as the school calendar fluctuates with holidays or intensive study times that are less desirable for guest speakers. You can expect fewer school visits in the beginning of the school year as classes are getting underway, as well as around holiday periods, such as Christmas and Easter. People respond individually to the demands of being a traveling teacher and therefore the amount of travel varies slightly from person to person. We do not want teachers to burn out on the travel portion of their work because we prioritize thriving in teaching; but at the same time, the value of meeting students outside of the capital region is immeasurable to the program. During the busiest periods, a rover may be on the road four days a week for weeks in a row.

Do Roving Scholars bring their families to Norway?
All Fulbright scholars are welcome to bring immediate family and dependents with them to Norway. The demands of travel for Roving impact families differently depending on individual family dynamics making it difficult for us to advise you on this matter.  Having a realistic expectation of the work and lifestyle of a Rover is perhaps the best information to gather when considering becoming a Rover with a family. If you wish to speak to Rover alumni who have brought families to Norway contact us.