Sommerstipend for bachelorstudenter

Søknadsfrist for deltakelse i SUSI sommeren 2024 er fredag 5.januar, 2024! Les nøye gjennom informasjonen nedenfor før du fyller ut søknadsskjemaet (lenke nederst på siden).

Fulbrightkontoret i Norge administrerer Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders sommerprogram for bachelorstudenter i regi av det amerikanske utenriksdepartementet (Department of State). Programinnhold, datoer, søknadsfrist, temaer, og antall nominerte varierer fra år til år. Søkere må sende inn søknadskjema, CV, karakterutskrift og to anbefalingsbrev. Aktuelle søkere blir kalt inn til intervju. Lenke til søknadsskjema finner du lenger ned på denne siden.

The Fulbright program in Norway will nominate candidates for Institutes on Civic Engagement and Environmental Issues.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders are intensive short-term academic programs whose purpose is to provide groups of undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills.  Norwegian citizenship is not required. If an applicant lives and works or studies in Norway, but is a citizen of another country, that is acceptable.

Each Institute has 20 participants.  The Institutes consist of a four-week academic residency with a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures.  Site visits, leadership development, cultural activities, and community service complement the coursework and academic sessions.  If conditions allow, the Institute will include a one-week integrated study tour in the United States.  Note that if the program must take place virtually, participants will engage in similar activities but online from their home countries.    

The Study of the U.S. Institute on Civic Engagement, hosted by Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, will provide participants with an overview of how citizens have shaped U.S. history, government, and society both as individuals and groups. The academic program will define civic engagement; examine its development in the United States; and explore topics such as citizenship, community building, economic development, grassroots activism, political leadership, and volunteerism. To enhance the academic experience, the Institute will focus on specific themes such as civil rights and protections; diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); citizen journalism, social movements, education, governance, minority communities, leadership, and media. Academic sessions will be complemented with hands-on sessions or workshops designed to build skills in the topics mentioned above. The Institute will encourage participants to develop innovative and practical plans to become engaged citizens in their own communities. Program components may include a tour of the Charles Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, meeting with representatives of the Michigan State University Law Clinic, and volunteering with the Refugee Development Center.   

The Study of the U.S. Institute on Environmental Issues  hosted by Shippensburg University in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, will provide participants with an overview of climate change along with its impact on local communities, natural resources, and the local economy. Academic sessions and experiential learning opportunities will explore clean energy, sustainable development, the risks of natural disasters, and the intersection of climate justice and community activism. To enhance the academic experience, the Institute will focus on specific themes and sub-topics such as strategic communication, social justice, emergency response, water rights, agriculture and food systems, biodiversity, and energy efficiency and sustainability. Academic activities will be supplemented by opportunities to engage with the local community, including a weekend homestay and meeting with local environmental non-profits. Program components may include hiking a section of the Appalachian trail, a visit to the Chincoteague Bay Field Station, and a kayak tour with the Susquehanna Riverkeepers, an environmental organization.

Program Funding: Through the award given to Meridian International Center, ECA (i.e. the U.S. State Department) will cover all participant costs, including program administration; international and visa travel, travel allowances, domestic travel and ground transportation; book, cultural, mailing and incidental allowances; and housing and subsistence.  If the program is conducted virtually, ECA will work with Meridian to provide a technology stipend to participants.     

Program Requirements and RestrictionsCandidates should be aware that they are applying for an intensive and rigorous academic Institute and are expected to fully participate in all aspects of the program. Participants must attend all lectures, participate in all required organized activities, and complete all assignments.  Family members and/or friends may not accompany or join participants for any part of the program. 

English Language AbilityEnglish Language proficiency is required to participate in this program.  All candidates must be proficient in English so that they can actively participate in the academic program.  Therefore, candidate interviews will be conducted in English.  Host institutions will consider the varying levels of participants’ comprehension and speaking ability and will prepare lectures and discussions that meet the highest academic standards while using language appropriate for students where English is their second or third language.    

Housing and Meal Arrangements: Housing will be in shared or single university dorms on campus or full-service hotels within walking distance of most classroom activities. Male and female participants will be housed in separate quarters. In addition to regular group meals and a university meal plan, participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own. It is important that nominees are aware of these arrangements and that they are comfortable with such accommodations. All participants will be expected to respectfully share communal spaces and any necessary responsibilities.  

Care will be taken to ensure that any special requirements regarding diet, daily worship, housing, and medical care are satisfied. Special accommodations will be made available to the greatest extent possible. Should a participant need to quarantine due to health and safety concerns, accommodations will follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and host institution guidelines.                 

Health Benefits:  All participants will receive the Department of State’s Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) health benefit during the U.S.-based in-person component, which provides coverage of up to $100,000 with a $25 co-pay per medical visit and a $75 co-pay per emergency room visit, for the duration of the program.  Pre-existing conditions may be covered up to $100,000, subject to policy exclusions and limitations.  ASPE also covers up to $500 for routine COVID-19 testing requirements in the United States.  COVID-19 is treated like any other illness under the ASPE health benefits plan.  Information on the health benefit program may be found online at

Travel Policy: Under no circumstances are participants allowed to arrive in the United States prior to the start date of the SUSI or remain in the United States after the end date.  Similarly, participants will not be permitted to leave the SUSI to visit relatives or friends while in the United States.  If a relative or friend wishes to visit a participant, it will be considered on a case- by-case basis in consultation with the ECA program officer and the host institution.  Participants are required to return to their home countries immediately following the end of the Institute.          

Virtual Program Contingency: Should health, safety, and travel conditions continue to pose significant challenges, the SUSI will pivot to a virtual format.  The virtual program would consist of a minimum of 36 hours of required programming with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning.  To the extent possible, the virtual programming would include lectures, small group discussions, videos, readings, panels, site visits, leadership development, assignments, and individual and group activities.  Participants would be expected to fully participate in the entire virtual program from their location.     

Connectivity: Should the program need to pivot to a virtual format, participants would need access to a computer and a stable internet connection.  If a participant does not have access to these two items, Meridian will work with the participant and post to facilitate access.     

 Participants will be expected to actively engage in all program activities, and therefore, they should notify immediately the host institution, post and/or commission of any issues with their online access during the duration of the program as well as any difficulties affecting their participation.         

CANDIDATE DESCRIPTION AND QUALIFICATIONS:     The participants are expected to be highly motivated first through third year undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education, who demonstrate leadership through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.        

Candidates for this program should…

• be proficient in English; 
 • be interested in the Institute topic; 
 • be between 18 and 25 years of age; 
 • have at least one semester left of their undergraduate studies, and be committed to returning to their home universities following completion of the program;  
 • demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university and community activities; 
 • indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States; 
 • have a sustained high level of academic achievement, as indicated by grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;  
 • demonstrate commitment to community and extracurricular university activities; 
 • have little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere outside of Europe; 
 • be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, and inquisitive; 
 • be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive academic program, community service, and educational travel; 
 • if the program is conducted in-person, be comfortable with campus life, prepared to share living accommodations, and able to make adjustments to cultural and social practices different from those of their home country.

SØKNADSSKJEMA (fylles ut og sendes til innen utgangen av fredag, 5.januar, 2024, med “søknad SUSI student 2024 Civic Engagement” eller “søknad SUSI student 2024 Environmental Issues” i emnelinjen). I tillegg til søknadsskjemaet må alle søkere sende inn CV, karakterutskrift og to anbefalingsbrev innen søknadsfristen 5.januar, 2024. Det er svært viktig at Fulbright-kontoret har mottatt alle dokumenter innen søknadsfristens utløp.

Dette var det beste valget jeg noen gang har tatt i livet mitt. Definitivt den beste sommeren jeg har hatt noen gang. Jeg møtte utrolig mange motiverte mennesker og har knyttet profesjonelle og personlige kontakter for livet.

Arthur Brunborg
SUSI participant 2023
Environmental Issues
Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania

Ukene jeg tilbrakte i USA med SUSI har vært blant de morsomste og mest interessante i mitt liv. Jeg har lært masse om USA og verden, og møtt mange nye mennesker som jeg har blitt veldig glad i. Jeg er kjempetakknemlig for at jeg fikk denne muligheten, og anbefaler alle studenter å søke neste år.

Maja Holmen
SUSI participant 2023
Civic Engagement
Michigan State University

Jeg har hatt noen lærerike uker i Tennessee og Georgia, hvor jeg har blitt kjent med og fått venner for livet. Alle jeg har møtt, både amerikanere og europeere, har vært utrolig hyggelige. Vi har skapt minner sammen gjennom både faglig utveksling og gjennom de sosiale aktivitetene som vi arrangerte på egenhånd. Jeg er utrolig takknemlig for at jeg fikk muligheten til å delta på SUSI ved UTC og håper dere vil kunne fortsette å nominere andre norske studenter til de ulike programmene igjen i kommende år.” 

Joakim Enrique Carli
SUSI participant 2022

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Det er et flott program hvor du får møte ikke bare mennesker fra USA, men også fra hele Europa. Du skaper minner og venner for alltid. Min deltakelse i SUSI hjalp meg med å bestemme hva jeg vil gjøre med livet mitt, nå vet jeg hva jeg vil studere videre.

Sabirin Yarow
SUSI participant 2022
Civic Engagement, Michigan State University

Jeg vil på det sterkeste anbefale andre studenter å delta i et SUSI program. SUSI er en unik mulighet til å lære mer om USA, og bli kjent med andre studenter
fra resten av Europa. Ukene i USA ga meg minner og venner for livet. Krigen i Ukraina, økt polarisering og klimakrise gjør SUSI til et viktig program siden det
bidrar til en økt forståelse for at internasjonalt samarbeid er nødvendig for å skape fred og sikkerhet i verden.

Vilde Longva Reiersen
SUSI participant 2022
Civic Engagement, University of South Carolina

SUSI-programmet er en helt unik opplevelse, og jeg vil anbefale andre studenter å søke. Jeg hadde aldri vært i USA før og er glad jeg fikk dra på denne reisen og oppleve et mer autentisk USA enn det jeg ville gjort som turist. Det beste med programmet er at man er 20 mennesker fra 17 forskjellige land som alle er samfunnsengasjerte. Jeg har fått gode venner fra USA og hele Europa og minner jeg vil huske for livet. 

Mina Vinje
SUSI participant 2022
Environmental Issues, University of Nevada, Reno